Q: Should I flush my engine before switching from conventional to synthetic or vice versa?
A: No, it is not necessary to flush your engine when switching between conventional and synthetic motor oils.
Q: Is it true that new engines need break-in periods using conventional motor oil?
No, it is not true that new engines need a break-in period using
conventional motor oil. New engines can be run with conventional or
synthetic motor oils while still properly breaking in the engine
Q: Do I need a special oil filter for a synthetic oil?
No, you do not need to use a special filter for synthetic motor oil.
The type of oil filter used isn’t necessarily based on the type of oil,
but rather on vehicle specifications. Always use the quality of filter
that meets the specifications denoted in your owner’s manual.
Q: Does my vehicle require a specific amount of motor oil?
A: Yes, your vehicles owner’s manual will contain information containing to the oil specification and capacity for your engine.
Q: Is there a way to tell if my motor oil needs to be changed or is running low?
Yes. If equipped, your vehicle’s oil-life monitoring system will inform
you when your motor oil needs to be changed, or, as a minimum, once
every year. If your vehicle does not have an oil life monitoring system,
change the oil per owner's manual guidelines. Periodically check your
vehicle’s motor oil dipstick for your oil levels. For more information
regarding vehicle specific oil life and appropriate oil levels, check
your vehicles owner’s manual.
Q: Will using synthetic motor oil extend the change period as shown by the oil life monitor?
A: No,
the oil life monitor is not impacted by the type of oil used, it is
only influenced by the amount and type of driving. Synthetic oil will,
however, improve the protection provided to the engine by the lubricant.