Before you head out on a road trip, follow the suggested checklist below to make sure your vehicle is in safe and efficient running condition.
Take your vehicle to a dealership or independent workshop near you that installs quality ACDelco parts. Your technician should check your belts, hoses, brakes, lights, windshield washer fluid, wiper blades, engine oil and coolant.
Always keep at least half a tank of petrol in your vehicle.
Make sure your trunk has a jack, lug wrench and other tools you’ll need to change a tire.
Check tire pressure of all tires, including the spare.
Make sure you have a working flashlight with extra batteries, emergency reflectors, sunglasses and a first-aid kit.
Take your driver’s license and vehicle registration, plus auto and medical insurance cards.
Carry a spare set of vehicle keys.
Plan your route and leave a copy of your itinerary with a trusted person not travelling with you.
Take any special medications and prescription information.
Take your doctor’s phone number.
Take a mobile phone.
Have any repairs or vehicle maintenance performed before the trip – see your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual for vehicle maintenance schedules.