Safe Driving Tips | ACDelco



Buckle Up

The most important tip to keep your family safe while driving is to always use safety belts and proper child restraints. Children are safer when placed in the rear seat in the appropriate infant, child or booster seat, or when wearing safety belt appropriate for their size and age. Never place a rear-facing infant restraint in the front seat of a vehicle equipped with an active air bag

Adjust Your Seat Properly

Sitting upright enables your body to feel and sense what the vehicle is telling you.

Scan The Entire Environment

During normal driving conditions, make sure to scan for braking vehicles in front of you and approaching vehicles in your rearview mirror.

Both Hands On The Wheel

Always drive with both hands on the wheel. The best place for your hands are the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions, which helps provide greater control when steering.

Lights On, Please

With your safety in mind, many new vehicles come equipped with daytime running lamps. To help with safe driving, turn on your headlights, taillights and any exterior lights in rainy weather. Even if your visibility is good, other drivers will have a better view of your vehicle.


Be Smooth

Keep your steering, acceleration and braking smooth to help keep the vehicle balanced.

Trail The Brakes

Trailing the brakes means easing off the brake pedal slowly as you turn into a corner. It keeps the weight on your front steering tires, creating more traction for the turn.

Enjoy Driving Your Vehicle

Don’t overstep your limits or the road conditions.

Turn Your Wheels With The Skid

Taking this action may help you to regain control of your vehicle during a skid. If you have a skid situation, ease off the throttle to transfer weight back onto the front steering tires.

Elevate Your Vision

Objects come out of nowhere when you look only at the vehicle in front of you. Try to look 10 to 15 vehicles ahead and you’ll find that everything comes at you more predictably.

Quick Maneuvering

If you need to veer suddenly to avoid hitting an object in your vehicle’s path, make sure you look in the direction you’re headed – before turning – to make sure the path is clear.

Cell Phones & Driving

Statistics prove that the majority of accidents on the road involve talking or texting while driving. Talking on a cell phone while driving makes you four times more likely to crash.

Be Careful On Curves

Drive at a reasonable speed when traveling around bends. This may mean you need to drive slower than the speed limit. Driving at a high speed around bends could cause you to lose control.