ACDelco Refrigerant R-134a

ACDelco Refrigerant R-134a

ACDelco Refrigerant R-134a is a non-ozone-depleting gas used for current air conditioning systems and a retrofit fluid for older systems. It is made specifically for use in vehicles equipped with an R-134a refrigerant system.


  • The non-ozone-depleting gas is more environmental friendly than R-12 refrigerants
  • High-quality formula to help keep your air conditioning system running smoothly
  • Meets SAE J2776 purity standard lower likelihood of sludge or tar forming in the cooling system
  • Manufactured and supplied according to internationally-recognized standards


  • If your air conditioning is blowing cool-but-not-cold or warm air, it could be a sign that the A/C refrigerant needs to be recharged or refilled.


  • Always work in well-ventilated areas when working with AC refrigerants and never release refrigerants into the atmosphere.
  • Use either the recommended, a drop-in replacement or a near drop-in replacement refrigerant for your air conditioning unit. This information can be found in your vehicle Owner’s Manual.


Q: My vehicle uses R-22 refrigerants, can I use R-134a in its place?
A: No, R134a refrigerants are only compatible with systems designed to take this product. Systems designed to take other refrigerants do not have the correct type of seals and gaskets required for R134a systems.

Q: Can I change, refill or recharge the AC refrigerant in my vehicle’s air conditioning unit?
A: Yes, the AC refrigerant in your vehicle’s air conditioning unit is serviceable.

Q: Can I use R-134a and R-22 refrigerants interchangeably?
A: No, refrigerant types with different product codes are not interchangeable.

Q: Does AC refrigerant have a shelf life?
A: No, AC refrigerant does not have a shelf life and will not expire if it is stored in a sealed container.

Q: Why is the Product considered dangerous?
A: With a boiling point of -26°C, R134a is a pressurized liquid and so needs to be handle and stored in an appropriate manner to avoid over-pressure scenarios. R134a is regarded as practically non-toxic but as with all gasses, the risk of oxygen dilution or exclusion needs to be addressed in order to avoid potential asphyxiation. Contact of cold vapour or liquid with skin can result in freeze-burn. These dangers are common to all fluorocarbon refrigerants.

Q: What happens if the cylinder is kept for long in extreme climate conditions like 45-50 degree Celsius?
A: If stored below the maximum storage temperatures recommended for the containers and out of direct contact with heat or strong sunlight, there should be no issue. Clearly any damage to the storage cylinder or valve will have a detrimental effect on the temperature rating of the system.

Q: If the dealer receives a damaged product, what is the way forward with the supplier for replacement?
A: The dealer should place the damaged cylinder into safe storage and contact the supplier for advice on replacement and for dealing with cylinder return or disposal.

Q: How many cars can the cylinder refill?
A: On the basis that the full residual charge is removed from the vehicle and fresh R134a is used to recharge the vehicle after any service work, each cylinder can approximately charge 10 small vehicles and 5 SUV vehicles.

Q: What do the standards mean and how do they play an important role for ACGas?
A: The SAE J-2776, AHRI Standard 700, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 are international standards that prove the quality, reliability and purity of the product and to the quality, safety and environmental impact of the manufacturing processes used to make the product.

Q: Why is R134a considered a better product versus any other Chinese gas?
A: R134a is the generic name for the chemical 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane and R134a is available from a number of manufacturers including Chinese manufacturers. R134a is a specific branded product that benefits from the quality assurance and manufacturing and supply history that comes from the largest integrated manufacturer of R134a with a successful supply history to major automotive manufacturers and aftermarket for over 25-years. Choosing product from a reputable and well-established provider avoids the risk of costly and potentially dangerous incidents and reduced system lifetime that have been associated with contaminated or counterfeit R134a.

Q: What can be done after the cylinder is empty, how is it disposed?
A: The cylinder should be disposed according to local regulations taking recycling requirements into account. Good practice would require removing any residual R134a from the used can into a refrigerant recovery machine prior to disposal.